But I did it. And I feel pretty good - but I mean, after six years, I feel like there is no real question about it. It would be more shocking if I failed.
Anyway - I decided about two days ago that this is now too easy for me - so A- I already have my idea for next year (and I wrote it on my computer in a sticky note, so lets just hope I do not delete it between now and then and B- next year the goal is to actually write 1,667 words a day. Naturally, this probably will not work, because there are days when I simply cannot write, but if I can write 1500 words in 30 minutes (as I did this morning to finish on time) then I should be able to write 1,667 on most days.
The best excerpt came from Monday (the 29th) night as I was trying to finish but could not keep my eyes open -
“You have seen waiting for guffman, right?”
“Is it a movie or like a t v show or what exactly? What are we looking at here.”
“It is a movie?”
“What kind?”
“Um, you know a standard American movie where I get a manilia envelope from someone and it does not have porn or anthrax in it.
You win some you loss some.
I have no memory of writing these words (obviously), they were quite a hilarious surprise to wake up to on Tuesday. I do not know quite where this train of thought was going, but I figured it was probably no where good and promptly changed subjects.
Anyway -
Thank you to Boyfriend, and Hazel for being quite snuggly
My yoga ball for being a lovely change from the couch
Season six of the West Wing for being not as terrible as I remember.
My boss who still, despite the fact that I have a real job now, does not care if I take the day off to write.
My very nice cousins for feeding me full of Thanksgiving food and giving me the oompf I needed to cross that 30,000 word bridge.
And Courtney - for always being there with encouragement and lies when I needed them.
See you next year, same time, same place.