Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bike bits: change in the air

On Saturday, I managed to give my bike a flat tire about three miles from my house. It was so lame, mostly because I knew I still needed the exercise after eating my birthweight in guacamole, so I hoofed it home.

During this seemingly endless walk from Lakeview to Andersonville I had lots of time to think about life and the future. Naturally, this was a disaster. But I did determine that I would change this bike tire all by myself.

Bike maintaince is Boyfriend's wheel house, but in my quest to be a well-rounded, capable lady I knew I had to go it alone, at least once, so I could say I could. 

I found these two videos superduper helpful:

Some notes:
-you will get messy.
-you will get frustrated.
-it is harder than it looks.
-sometimes your brakes don't have a quick release, try not to panic.
-how much air pressure you are supposed to have in your tires is written on your tires.
-do not give yourself a time limit the first, second, ninth time you change a tire. Deadlines are jerks.
-the sense of accomplishment is worth a broken nail and a dirty tee-shirt.

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She's pint-sized and amazing.